America is home to about 313 million people as of this morning, according to the Census website ( Out of those 313 million approximately 577,000 are prescribed and actively use medical marijuana. This number seems far too low for people to be fighting for this cause, but part of what needs to be understood is that A) there are only 13 states in this country that have legalized or decriminalized the use of medical marijuana, B) this number of 577,000 only comes from known and reported cases of patients using marijuana medically, and therefore does not take into account the patients who live in states that do not allow marijuana as a treatment, and C) there are an estimated 6 million cases in America alone of patients who would benefit from medical marijuana that are not being allowed the treatment. The citizens of this country need to be educated on the cornucopia of benefits that marijuana has; this plant is not only a miracle medicine, but it also has thousands of uses for industrial purpose which I'll discuss at another time. For now I just wanted to introduce the main issue this blog will be discussing, which is the need this country has for reviewing its medical marijuana laws in every state and as a nation. Please help by educating yourself and passing along all valid information to your friends and family. I'll post again later today with some more facts and studies on the medical uses of pot. Thanks for reading! Educate and Enjoy!
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