I'm going to start this by saying that I highly doubt the government intended to use reverse psychology pertaining to the drug war and marijuana prohibition. But let's be real. Prohibition made alcohol use and trade a million times worse and caused gangs, supported underground markets and activity (black market anyone?) and frankly made drinking and obtaining alcohol a huge challenge that, to many people, seems exciting. And that's exactly what's happened with the marijuana prohibition over the years.
One of my strongest points for this argument is the introduction of 'fweed', or fake weed, into the market. This stuff is marketed and sold as incense in airtight packages weighing a gram or more (sound familiar?). The packages clearly state that this 'incense' is not for internal use and gives instruction on how to properly use its contents as an incense. Ha. With names that sound like some of the street names people give different marijuana strains like Serenity Now, Blaze, Blueberry Haze, Dank, Demon Passion Smoke, Genie, Hawaiian Hybrid, K2, Magma, Ninja, Nitro, Ono Budz, Panama Red Ball, Puff, Sativah Herbal Smoke, Skunk, Spice, Ultra Chronic and Voodoo Spice (and that's only some of them) the makers certainly make it sound like something you're supposed to inhale. The "upside" is that these products, the ones that haven't been banned yet, are in fact legal to sell to those over the age of 18 and don't show up on any drug tests. The downside is that they are not all natural and therefore not safe for the body, but made in labs with chemicals meant to mimic the effects of marijuana mixed with a couple herbs and spices to make them seem harmless. There are no scientific studies that show us the effects these chemicals have on the brain or body. unfortunately. However the truth is that fweed has caused numerous deaths and hundreds of hospitalizations. For instance, a woman's son died as a direct result of smoking fweed and she has been trying since to get the chemicals banned in her home state. (http://articles.nydailynews.com/2012-03-23/news/31231982_1_karen-dobner-fake-pot-ban-synthetic-pot) I've found a couple other deaths related as well and a great article that goes into some detail about the effects. (http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/real-dangers-of-fake-pot-synthetic-marijuana-use-985608.html) I also startlingly came across an article describing an epidemic-like outbreak of kidney failure in teens in Wyoming that's due to their use of fweed. (http://www.naturalnews.com/035181_spice_recreational_drugs_kidney_failure.html) And keep in mind these are only a few examples. Google it yourself and I'm sure you'll find a number of other articles and cases.
Now with all this said I've got a fun trivia question for you: How many deaths have been reported in the known history of time, not just in America but all over the world, that were directly attributed to marijuana use? Give up? ZERO. That's right, ZERO. Not once in all history has there been a death that was due directly or exclusively to the use of marijuana. HOW IS THIS ILLEGAL WHEN SOMETHING MIMICKING THE PLANT IS AVAILABLE AT GAS STATIONS?
This entire matter just makes me fume. There's an incredibly hardy plant out there that can be grown in almost any climate, all over the world, that has amazing and miracle-like potential to help treat and cure millions of people, give people a method of relaxing and winding down in a way that broadens the mind's eye instead of making them belligerent and dumb and uninhibited (like alcohol does), make our country billions of dollars in sales and taxes along with the goods it could provide if used industrially and the money it could bring in from those goods. It's illegal. But there are also a number of herbs that can be sprayed with chemicals to make you feel slightly high for a while in a way that is barely similar to marijuana and then rot your brain and half of your organs while giving you chills, shakes, fevers, nausea, and a slue of other fun symptoms. It's totally legal and is probably sold at your neighborhood gas station!
Blows my mind that more people aren't invested in the fight to legalize marijuana. Get in touch with your local NORML chapter or other advocacy groups in your area and see what you can do to help. There's hope.
I'll be out of town for Mother's Day and won't be posting, but I would really love to hear some feedback from the people I'm reaching. Am I teaching you anything? Are you pissed at your government for keeping something so awesome from the public yet? Is there anything you'd like me to cover in a post? Let me know. I'll do what I can.
Educate and Enjoy!
Yes this pisses me off! I used to use the fweed until I realized how irritated I became in the interim between smoking instances. Bitch-style until I got my hit. I've never become irritable by not having marijuana. I'm glad I found your blog! Bookmarked*